Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 Goals

If you are anything like me.. you are now sitting here 11 days in to 2009 and are wondering, "WHERE ON EARTH DID 2008 GO?!"

I mean let's be serious for a second. Can time really pass by so quickly? Apparently so. This past year has been one of the most amazing years of my life. I'm still in awe at the blessings God has given me. I've met the most amazing people that gave me the opportunity to capture their weddings and portraits. I've become what I think of as friends with photographers around the country who blog as well and are willing to share their stories and be mentors for others. I have a wonderful family and the best, most supportive friends a girl could want.

Friday night was my oldest BFF Leslie's birthday. With a group of some old high school friends and some other friends I've made along the way we headed out to, "Live, laugh and love!" At the end of the night one of my "newer" friends, Mandy, asked me, "Did you ever think you would be where you are now?" You see, Mandy had me take portraits of her 2 week old newborn only a month after I started my business. My answer to her was, "Never in a million years!" I honestly would have laughed very hard if someone had tried to tell me I'd be were I am now.

That being said, I want to make 2009 even more amazing! As we all know, resolutions are made to be broken. So as with most everyone else I know and or blog stalk.. I've made goals. The week after Christmas I put a notebook beside my bed with a pen. I do most of my goal setting as I'm trying to fall asleep. What better way to remember them in the morning than by writing them down immediately!? At the top is says, "2009 Goals ~ In no particular order!"

You see, it doesn't matter what order they are in or accomplished. What matters is that I work hard to accomplish them. This list is made up of not only my business goals, but my personal goals as well. However, if I had to pick one as my #1 for 2009, it would be to spend more time as a family raising our beautiful daughter.

I learned so much this year about photography as a business. I'll be the first to admit.. it's A LOT harder than I ever thought it was. I learned that I'm not superwoman and it is ok to tell people no. Especially, if I'm sacrificing my already precious time with my family.

Time is precious.. and so are our lives. Jasmine Star had a contest a while back in which she asked us to describe our lives in exactly six words. I thought really hard on this. You see, all year I had been going non stop and couldn't figure out how to narrow that down to six words. That's when it hit me. I needed to slow down love and enjoy life. That alone created my life, as I intend to live it this year and in years to come, in six words, "Loving life in the slow lane!"

Words cannot express my gratitude to every amazing person that has touched my life. Thank you, without you I would not be the person I am today!
May you all have a very blessed 2009!


The Suggs' said...

Well, I hope that you realize that you are going to be one of the few people that will be making my 2009 the best year of my life.

I am marrying the man of my dreams and YOU will be the one taking the pictures that will still be around once I'm not.

I'm so excited about everything and I'm so glad that you have found something you are truly wonderful at. A lot of people spend a great deal of their life trying to find out what that is.

I'm also really glad that I already know you and have for a very long time, because that will make everything that much more comfortable and easy. =)

You're very talented and I know that a lot of people appreciate the good job that you do!

I hope your 2009 is as wonderful as mine will be.

Now, if only November could get here!

Anonymous said...

So true about living in the slow lane! Enjoy your time with your daughter! She certainly is lucky to have such an awesome mom.

Cheers to 2009

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Bri... thank you for your love and support! It means the world to me that you would choose me as your wedding photographer and it's friends like you who have been the support that I've needed and appreciated over that last two years. Congrats again on your engagement and I can't wait until your wedding in November!

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Thanks Jacob! Being a mom is the hardest yet most rewarding thing ever. I wouldn't change it for the world though. I hope you and your wife are enjoying the start of fabulous new year!

Anonymous said...

Such a an inspirational post!! I believe that God intends for us to live life slowly, to enjoy it and not rush through it. Which I do!!

Thanks again

Melissa Manzione Photography said...

You've made my 2009 already :)


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