Friday, March 28, 2008

Contact Me and Quick Update!

In the last several days I have had several people try to contact me for portraits. Unfortunately, the email addresses that have been entered into the contact form are not correct. I keep getting this message:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

So, if I you have contacted me and I have not responded I promise that I have tried! Please shoot me and email or another contact form! Just please make sure to either check your address to make sure it is correct or add a phone number where I can reach you. Thanks so much! I look forward to hearing from you again!!

Also, I know that I have been slacking a little bit in the blogging area. I have got to be the world's worst blogger! I plan on posting a blog soon to catch you up on some of my favorite images from the shoots I've had recently! I hope everyone is doing well! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bridal Session!

So, I have a little bit of catching up to do! I must admit that I am not the best at blogging regularly like I should! Not to mention I ended up in the ER with a kidney infection the Monday before last! NOT fun at all!! Anyway.. I had a beach shoot with one of my gorgeous brides, Kristen! We were not sure about the weather.. as you can tell from the pictures it was very dark outside and it was SO windy! Kristen carried it off well though. She is absolutely gorgeous in her gown! We actually did the pictures at the beach house where the wedding and reception will be. Let me know what you think! (Oh.. and I have a few more shoots to blog about so check back soon!!)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep..

These seven words are part of a beloved bed time prayer for children. However, these words also have another meaning other than that of a prayer.

Before you continue to read this blog, please know that it is not only heartwarming but very sad. Some might have difficulty reading. I have come across this website a few times in the past, long before I started my business. The website is This organization provides bereavement/remembrance photography services for parents who are overcome with grief at the loss of a child. They provide, on a voluntary basis, heirloom photographs to have as part of the healing process that can be cherished forever. The following paragraph can be found under the "Our Beginning" section of the website..

Maddux Achilles Haggard was born on Feb. 4, 2005, with a condition called myotubular myopathy that prevented him from breathing, swallowing or moving on his own. On the sixth day of his young life, his parents had to make the excruciating decision to take him off life support. But before they did, they called Littleton, Colorado photographer Sandy Puc' to take black and white portraits of them cradling their son. Puc' photographed the couple with Maddux at the hospital before he was removed from life support and after — when he was free from the tubes and the wires that had sustained him.

“That night was the worst night of my life. But when I look at the images, that’s not what I’m reminded of. I’m reminded of the beauty and blessings he brought,” Cheryl Haggard (Maddux's mom) said.

Those tender photographs documenting Maddux’s eternal connection with his parents inspired Cheryl Haggard and Sandy Puc' to found a nonprofit organization that has provided thousands of families of babies who are stillborn or are at risk of dying as newborns with free professional portraits with their baby.

As you can see, this is a very touching, heart wrenching subject. Lord knows, every time I look at the website or even think about the possibility of this happening to me, I find myself in tears. This website makes me even more grateful for my beautiful, happy and healthy little girl.

At this time, I am not a affiliated with the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Organization. I would like to be at some point. I know that when the time is right for me to do so, God will let me know. However, in the meantime, if you or anyone you know is in need of bereavement/remembrance photography, please do not hesitate to call me. I will volunteer my services free of charge, just like those affiliated with the organization.

May God Bless those families that must face the loss of a child and also the photographers who have the strength to hold their emotions together to provide such a wonderful gift to grieving parents in their time of need.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Kendra and Ed

So, I met up with Kendra and Ed Saturday afternoon. Before their shoot Kendra had emailed me with an idea for their wardrobe and I must say it looked even better than I could have imagined! We went to downtown Pensacola and just let loose. Kendra and Ed were such good sports. I felt bad because Kendra had on the most AWESOME heels and we were doing a ton of walking. I know if I had been wearing them I would probably have blisters on my feet by the time we were done. Not to mention I then got them to climb on the rocks and all three of us at one point or another almost tumbled to our deaths! Or at least that is how we felt about it. I just told them to make sure and catch the camera..not to worry about me! :) So anyway.. enough writing.. here are some of my favorites from their shoot!

Ed's face is hilarious in this picture.. I love this picture.. plus the shoes are GREAT!

Michelle and Roger

I had the most fun Friday afternoon with Michelle and Roger! We started at Fort Barrancas on Pensacola NAS for their engagement shoot. It was evident right away how much in love they are! Roger surely couldn't get enough of Michelle and vice versa! We took our own private tour around the fort and then headed to the beach. There, we decided it would be fun to make Roger do push ups while Michelle sat on his back! Then, Michelle and Roger were playing and she went to run straight for him so that he could lift her up and he lost his balance and if it wasn't for fast reflexes she would have easily ended up face first in the sand behind him! As you can tell, we had a blast! It really made me feel good when Roger looked at me and said, "You know, I was not looking forward to this but I actually had a lot of fun!"
That's what is is all about! You having fun and me capturing you as you are!! I really can't wait until their wedding. We had so much fun Friday that I can't imagine the wedding being any different!!!
Take a look and let me know what you think!

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