Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep..

These seven words are part of a beloved bed time prayer for children. However, these words also have another meaning other than that of a prayer.

Before you continue to read this blog, please know that it is not only heartwarming but very sad. Some might have difficulty reading. I have come across this website a few times in the past, long before I started my business. The website is This organization provides bereavement/remembrance photography services for parents who are overcome with grief at the loss of a child. They provide, on a voluntary basis, heirloom photographs to have as part of the healing process that can be cherished forever. The following paragraph can be found under the "Our Beginning" section of the website..

Maddux Achilles Haggard was born on Feb. 4, 2005, with a condition called myotubular myopathy that prevented him from breathing, swallowing or moving on his own. On the sixth day of his young life, his parents had to make the excruciating decision to take him off life support. But before they did, they called Littleton, Colorado photographer Sandy Puc' to take black and white portraits of them cradling their son. Puc' photographed the couple with Maddux at the hospital before he was removed from life support and after — when he was free from the tubes and the wires that had sustained him.

“That night was the worst night of my life. But when I look at the images, that’s not what I’m reminded of. I’m reminded of the beauty and blessings he brought,” Cheryl Haggard (Maddux's mom) said.

Those tender photographs documenting Maddux’s eternal connection with his parents inspired Cheryl Haggard and Sandy Puc' to found a nonprofit organization that has provided thousands of families of babies who are stillborn or are at risk of dying as newborns with free professional portraits with their baby.

As you can see, this is a very touching, heart wrenching subject. Lord knows, every time I look at the website or even think about the possibility of this happening to me, I find myself in tears. This website makes me even more grateful for my beautiful, happy and healthy little girl.

At this time, I am not a affiliated with the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Organization. I would like to be at some point. I know that when the time is right for me to do so, God will let me know. However, in the meantime, if you or anyone you know is in need of bereavement/remembrance photography, please do not hesitate to call me. I will volunteer my services free of charge, just like those affiliated with the organization.

May God Bless those families that must face the loss of a child and also the photographers who have the strength to hold their emotions together to provide such a wonderful gift to grieving parents in their time of need.


Unknown said...

awesome post!

Eric Foley said...

Great post Leslie! I actually found out about this through Mike Colon's blog. It is very saddening and I can't imagine what these parents go through. I couldn't stay on the site too long because it was too emotional for me with the birth of my daughter only days away. I have great respect for those involved and I heavily sympathize with the parents!

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