Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wonderful White Christmas..

and no I'm not talking about the white stuff falling on the ground
around various parts of the country.

I'm talking about white all purpose flour and baking!!

I LOVE to bake. End of discussion. :)

Of course hubby thinks I am crazy because I will bake a whole pan of brownies and eat one. That leaves the rest for either him to eat or take to work.

He, 99.9% of the time, takes them to work.

However, this is the time of year that I bake most often. I mean.. who doesn't?!

Kaydence is finally old enough to start participating in various activities and somewhat understands what is going on. I would also like to start some family traditions that she can hopefully pass along to her children one day.

I was going to get a gingerbread house kit and then realized she would eat it before it was put together and opted for sugar cookies.
(Either way.. yes I am still crazy trying to do this with an almost 2 year old!)

Here are a few pictures from our baking session. It's the closest this family will come to a White Christmas without taking a vacation up north!

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Please forgive the hair. I just threw it up in order to begin.. many years in the restaurant industry and I still can't wear it down while cooking or baking!
Leslie Roark Photography

She did this all by herself with no encouragement from mommy or daddy!
Leslie Roark Photography

This is after we laughed that she did it without encouragement.
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Leslie Roark Photography

Adding some sprinkles...
Leslie Roark Photography

The finished product! Not bad for a first timer!
Leslie Roark Photography


alison said...

love love love it! Hannah Kay and I attempted sugar cookies this year too....except hers ended up with red hots and 14 different kinds of sprinkles on them. Kaydence is TOO funny with the flour...hope you guys enjoy! Also...I'd like to know your secret for baking an entire pan of brownies and eating only one. You are either LYING or you have INCREDIBLE self-restraint!!!

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Nope..not lying! I do have incredible self controld unless I'm actually have a "Craving." Andy gets so mad at me! LOL!

Anonymous said...

That looks like it was so much fun!

I've just found your blog and I'm really enjoying it. I've just started my own photography business in Alabama and it's nice to see someone "close".

Merry Christmas

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Thanks Christy! I hope everything is going well.. Merry Christmas!

Micha Everett Photography said...

Love, Love, Love it... It reminds me so much when Olivia was this little and I miss it so much now she doesn't even care if we do it! She is such a cutie definately loving the flour on her face!!!

Kricia Morris Photography said...

I still stand on these are the cutest pictures of Kaydence Of course you were pretty cute yourself! Love that shirt on you! Wish I could've been there to let the kids play together.

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