Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen.............


So I know some of you have probably seen this before and those who haven't will think I've lost my mind.

Last year I did this with Kaydence and her cousin Dawson.

This year I decided to do it with our family and share it with all of my wonderful readers!

Let me just say.... I nearly peed my pants watching! I know.. sorry WAY TO MUCH INFORMATION.. but seriously.. if you are having a bad day and want a laugh to make you feel better.. watch this!

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Kricia Morris Photography said...

OMG, watching Andy do the little hip wiggle made my year!! That is possibly the greatest thing since sliced!

Melissa Manzione Photography said...


Anonymous said...

every time we see these we just smile!!

Mary Marantz said...

LOL!! That's awesome!!!

abcdef said...

I had forgot about this. We did it last year and it was cracking me up!

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