Monday, December 1, 2008

So.. I have a request!?

It's always nice to get feedback from clients!

With many changes in store I would love for my past clients to give me a review.

By clicking
HERE you can leave feedback for others to see.

Along with the changes that are coming soon.. (yes.. I know.. you are wondering what I'm up to?!) I am also looking for testimonials. If you are interested in writing a testimonial for me, you can email them to leslie at (the @ sign) Sorry.. trying to prevent spammers!

Thank you SO much! I've truly had the most fantastic clients this past year and look forward to working with more this coming year!

And now.. I leave you with a sneak peak of Eric and Regina's wedding that will be posted very soon!

Leslie Roark Photography Weddings ~ Tallahassee, FL

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