Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Special Thanks!

Websites are hard work. Period.

Anyone who has one knows this.

Especially photographers. Yes, there are templates to make the designing easier or you can pay someone to do it, but that is not the hard part.

Combing through thousands and thousands of pictures is the hard part.
At least for me it is.

Then, there is writing about myself, taking pictures of myself and designing a logo for myself.

Oh, but wait?! I had lots of wonderful people helping me with those things!!!

So that being said, I have quite a bit of thanks and praise to dish out!

First, I must say thank you to my wonderful husband for his love and support. Not only that, but for sitting hours on end helping me choose the pictures that best showcase what my photography is about and helping (or in some cases just putting) everything together.
I don't know where I would be without him.. he is my rock!

Then, my husband, mom and Dane Sanders (Fast Track Photographer Book) for helping me write an About Me page that is true to myself. I want my clients to know who I am in order for them to feel comfortable with me during their wedding day or portrait session. I always stress how important it is for clients to be comfortable with their photographer! I hope that my new About Me gives everyone a better insight as to who I am!

To one of my best friends, Kricia Morris, for taking pictures of me that reflect my personality! I love to laugh and smile and she captured that perfectly for me share with others!

My former bride Kendra Fendt of Motif Design. She was the creative genius who took my thrown together idea of a logo and made it exactly what it is today. I love it! I think it reflects not only my business name but my personality as well and that is what branding is all about.
Finding what fits your personality!!

The most praise, however, goes to God. For without him I would be nothing.
Proverbs 3:5&6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths."

I would have nothing, not my family, friends or business if it were not for trusting God to lead me down the path he wanted me to take.

Thank you SO much to everyone who has been a part of this process.
There are so many other people that I could thank for their
love and support over the last year but I would be here all day.
You all know who you are and I love you all very much!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to you for all that you have accomplished over the last year! Since the time we met before hiring you to shoot our wedding to now, I've seen such growth in your work and your confidence as a photographer. It was my pleasure to work with you on your logo and I'm so happy that it's found such a lovely home on your new website!

Anonymous said...


The site is amazing!

We wish you the best! Are you still doing family portraits? We will be contacting you next year for that and also when we have our first child!! LOL

You rock girl!

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Thank you!!!! I love it!!!

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