Saturday, December 6, 2008

Kids will be kids

As I am sure most moms would agree, getting your children to cooperate during picture time is extremely difficult.

It’s even worse when you have younger children.

But when you are a photographer, it's more difficult than ever! I've been procrastinating for weeks to take pictures of Kaydence to send out with our Christmas cards and I really can't wait any longer.

She wants to be in my lap or hugging me and that doesn't work very well when I am the one taking her pictures. Needless to say out of 50 shots I got one decent face shot and two really cute detail shots. That's all.

I might try again later if her mood improves.. oh well! She's still my little cutie!

Leslie Roark Photography ~ Children


Mary Marantz said...

love the hat!!

Kricia Morris Photography said...

hahaha...and you think YOU have it bad...try shooting Warren...oh wait, you have...yeah, get it. ;) Love ya'll!

Anonymous said...

that little outfit is soooo cute!

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Thanks everyone! Old Navy ROCKS!

Micha Everett Photography said...

Cutest outfit EVER! What a cutie pie!

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