Sunday, December 7, 2008

We got some cute ones!!!

Yesterday's first try at taking pictures of Kaydence did not go as well as I hoped.

So a little bit later we brought Daddy out and what do you know.. we got some REALLY cute pictures... in my opinion at least!

Of course, I am her mom so I am biased.

Here are my favorites from yesterday, followed by a few of Kaydence and I after we decorated the Christmas Tree!!!

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography

Leslie Roark Photography


Micha Everett Photography said...

Yeah for Andy!!! These are so stinkin cute can't wait to get my Christmas card! ;0) Love you guys

Melissa Manzione Photography said...


Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE! She is a doll!

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