Tuesday, May 13, 2008

When it rains, it pours..

This morning at 7 a.m. I got a telephone call from my dad letting me know that my grandmother was not doing well. Those close to me know that my grandmother has been in and out of the nursing home/hospital since February with some pretty critical health concerns. She almost died when she was first admitted. She got an infection from a procedure her doctor told her she "had" to have and it nearly killed her. Things have not been the same since. The doctors informed my grandfather that her organs and body were shutting down. It might be a couple days or it might be a week but they are at the point of keeping her "comfortable." Whatever that means.

I am working on two recent weddings as well as several shoots at this time. I am obviously going to be delayed as I would like to spend as much time with my grandmother as I can before she passes. If you email or call and I do not respond right away please understand that this is a very emotional time for me. I have never lost a family member before and I'm having a very hard time dealing with this. There is no "preparation" for death. My grandmother has always been one of my biggest supporters. She has loved me endlessly and loves Kaydence just as much if not more. I took her a recent picture of Kaydence this morning. I can't take her up there because she has been too sick and we have been told not to put her in environments that she might catch other things. The whole morning my grandmother would not put the picture out of her hand. Even when the nurse came in to move her and asked to hold the picture my grandmother told her NO! She was holding her picture and couldn't let it go. That just killed me. This is just killing me. I wanted to leave this with a picture of my her and Kaydence when Kaydence was only 3 weeks old. She would just sit there for hours with her. Please keep me and my family in your prayers to help us get through this trying time.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Leslie! I haven't talked to you in a really long time but I have been keeping up with your work...you do an awesome job. I just felt that I had to comment on this blog. I just recently lost my grandaddy (last July) and we were extremely close. I won't lie it is the toughest thing I have ever had to go through, but with faith in God you will make it through. Just spend every moment possible with her and let her know how you feel so that you don't have any regrets. I was not fortunate in knowing that my grandaddy was about to pass so I took my time with him for granted and I wish I could change things but I know that he knew how much I loved him! I just want you to know that I am praying for you, I know how difficult this time is for you!

Leslie Roark Photography said...

Thank you very much, Heather! It's great to hear from you! I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather. While I haven't lost her yet I pretty well know what that feels like. Thank you so much for your support! And keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

I lost my grandmother last October and as much as I knew it was coming, there is no preparation. My grandmother was truly one of my best friends. Just as the previous poster said, stay with her every minute you can. That you will never regret.

I'm praying that God gives you peace throughout the situation.

Unknown said...


Again I will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

abcdef said...

Oh Leslie...I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I will keep, you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I know this has to be tough. I was very close to my Granmother too. Sending you HUGS from GA!

Unknown said...

I will keep your grandmother in my paryers

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