Monday, May 5, 2008

Thank you!

Thank you everyone for your comments, thoughts and prayers! We were able to come home Friday night since Kaydence kept everything down that day. We found out later that night that she not only caught the rotavirus (thus the throwing up and dehydration that caused her to be hospitalized), but we also found out the cause of the other problems she has been having. For 7 weeks now she has had diarrhea that we had not been able to find a cause for. I was told it was possible that she had "toddler" diarrhea and it could last up to nine months. Basically there is no reason for toddle diarrhea. My motherly instinct told me that was wrong. Sure enough... I was right.

Kaydence has a bacterial infection in her intestines called C. Difficile. It is a very hard infection to get rid of and only 2 antibiotics are none to get rid of it. It sometimes takes several rounds and can be life threatening if left untreated long enough. She started the antibiotics today. Unfortunately since there is not normally a liquid form so it is extremely bitter and we really have to fight her to force it down her throat. She has to take it 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Please keep us in your prayers that this one round will get rid of it so that we don't have to keep torturing her. I feel so bad. Andy and I both tested a dab from the pudding we mixed it in and nearly vomited everywhere. It's that bad. I couldn't imagine a whole dose!

Andy then caught the rotavirus Friday night and was sick this whole weekend. Therefore I got absolutely no work done! I had a wedding Saturday night and luckily Andy only had two hours before Kaydence went to bed. Sunday I was taking care of both my sick babies! I luckily have still not caught it and hope that I don't!

Other than that, I want to thank all my clients for waiting so patiently for their pictures to go up online. I am working VERY hard to get caught back up before this weekend. Thanks again for your patience and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!


Melissa Manzione Photography said...

Hang in there girlie :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she's doing better.

Thanks for the tag.

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