Friday, August 1, 2008

Bowden is One!!!

I have been taking pictures of Bowden since he was born! Man, does time every fly! I can't believe he is one already! He is SO precious and just the sweetest thing ever. I have to add that he climbs ladders very well.. I've seen it with my own eyes! I'm lucky that Kay doesn't have any around to attempt it. I'd have a heart attack! Anyway.. he LOVED his birthday cake! I also had to throw in as very sweet pictures with his big sister! I played with a texture on it. Let me know what you think!


Melissa Manzione Photography said...

I loooove the third picture... its magazine worthy!

Anonymous said...

Leslie, Thankyou so much for capturing our "little man's" personality in these photos! We absolutely love ALL of them and are having a difficult time deciding which ones to choose!
-Brandon and Crystal

Unknown said...

These are adorable!!!

Sublime Studios said...

What a handsome little cutie! I love his eyes in the first on.. so clear!

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