Sunday, August 26, 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog...

For some time now I have contemplated having a blog for the business. I have a personal blog but upon meeting not only a fantastic photographer but also a wonderful new friend I have decided to start the business blog. I will still offer occasional giveaways to keep everyone on their toes. It is just going to be a little more informal than the old Daily News.

Now, back to my new friend Jason!

Last night I was given one of the greatest opportunities of a lifetime! I was able to work with a California photographer named Jason Lanier. Jason is a location photographer (yes, he travels to anywhere to take wedding photographs and etc.) that was in a bind. His wife called because they were unsure whether his connecting flight in Houston would make it in from Chicago with all the flooding going on right now. I spoke with her that morning and she said that if I hadn't heard from her by 1 o'clock that all was well in the world.
So at 1 when I didn't hear from her I decided to take a nap and relax from the long night before. At 4:14 as Andrea and Joe are getting ready to take their friend Josh to the airport Andrea hands me her phone (I had used hers when I spoke with Jason's wife because mine was dead). Jason's plane had to do an emergency landing in Baton Rouge, LA because of dropping cabin pressure (?? I could be wrong on the exact reasoning). He would be able to make it to the wedding but he was supposed to be there at 5 o'clock for the before pictures! Can I go and take pictures and be there with Jason the rest of the night?? So I was SO excited.. I said of course!

I got off the phone with Jason's wife to call Jason himself to get the details. In the meantime I am high tailing it to my house because it was 4:14 and I was supposed to be on Pensacola Beach by 5. I got all the details and Jason called the bride to just let her know the situation and that I was on my way but would be a little later than 5. I took a shower fixed my hair and makeup in 15 minutes! I made it to the wedding at 5:30 and got to meet the most awesome Bride and Groom I think I have ever worked with. (Funny side note.. I had happened to have met the Bride the night before at Joes (one of my BFF’s fiancé) winging party!)!!!

So I knew Jason would be there right at the ceremony and sure enough he was. I cannot say enough good things about him. Honestly, you would think that we had been working together all of our lives! We practically read each other’s minds on where each other needed to be and what pictures to take. He also shared so much with me regarding photography. I learned SO much from him! If this says anything... only my closest friends call me Les and by the end of the night that is what Jason was calling me and I did not mind one bit!

After all was said and done Jason asked me if I would be interested in ever traveling with him to take photographs of other weddings (and as he said.. of course I will be sleeping in a different hotel room! LOL). He travels all around the United States and other countries.. I said OF COURSE! So long as I can get Kaydence's schedule worked out and have all of that taken care of.
This honestly was such a great experience! I'm so sorry if there are typos.. I was just so excited to post this! Jason made a good point last night.. he said, "I love to take new photographers with me on shoots and teach them everything I know because if they look good, I look good." He is totally right and I would do the same thing. God really has a way of working miracles and this opportunity sure was one of them! We also got a picture of the two of us last night that I am going to have him send me so that I can post it! You all should check out his site.. it is He is a fantastic photographer and I hope that God will make our paths cross again! And Jason, while I know you couldn't stop thanking me for helping you in a bind, I can't stop thanking you for one of the greatest opportunities I've ever had!!!!!!

So, now that I have this phenomenally long first blog, I will stop for the night! The next Senior to call and book an appointment will receive 1 free airbrushed 8x10!


Unknown said...

I am so glad you had a great time. Thanks for being so ready and available to help. I get to go to some of Jason's weddings so hopefully we will get a chance to meet one day!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

ps-message above from Kara!

Anonymous said...


You are fantastic. Your skill and very flexible attitude are what make the difference between a good and great photographer. Thanks so much for everything you did to help me in Florida. I'm sure we will shoot together again this year. You are a great friend.


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